Industrial sites such as power generation, solvent industries, farming and manufacturing sectors have the potential to impact upon the local environment through air or noise pollution. Miller Goodall has experience in dealing with all types of industrial facilities and offers services in relation to Environmental Permitting Regulations (EP Regs) and complaint investigations.

In relation to planning applications, we are skilled at producing both noise and air quality assessments to accompany planning applications as standalone documents or as part of an Environmental Statement.

The EP Regs require certain industries to apply for and comply with environmental permits.   We currently undertake inspection and enforcement activities under the EP Regs for two local authorities in the North West, which brings us into regular contact with a variety of industrial sectors including foundries, coating manufacturers, waste recycling and coating processes. Our experience means that we can assist with applications for permits, variation and surrender of permits, compliance assessment and provision of practical advice. As part of this, we can monitor and assess noise emissions and provide advice on mitigation through the utilisation of our noise modelling software, as well as modelling emissions to air and advising on chimney heights.

Our experience also enables us to assist in complaint investigations and work with partner companies and local authorities to provide cost effective solutions where mitigation is required.

Did you know

Meteorological effects can affect how noise disperses - the impact tends to become more noticeable at distances over 100 metres

Click here to read about a recent air quality project.

Click here to read about a recent acoustic project.

Bringing Miller Goodall into your project as environmental consultants means you can be certain that you are meeting the required standards of environmental best practice. Talk to us:

environmental consultancy