Miller Goodall was appointed by the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple to carry out an air quality assessment for the refurbishment and extension of the Treasury Building at Inner Temple, London. The Temple area of the city is over 800 years old and has been the home of barristers for over 600 years. Named Project Pegasus, this exciting redevelopment will create modern, flexible space with state-of-the-art facilities for the delivery of education and training programmes for students, pupils and practitioners and ensure the Inner Temple can meet the future needs of every part of its membership and the wider profession.
The whole of the City of London is located within an air quality management area (AQMA), so is subject to additional stringent planning regulations relating to air quality. The main contributor to pollutant concentrations within the city is road traffic, but emissions from heating plant also have to be considered. The Inner Temple development, located within a fourth floor extension of the Treasury Building, requires the installation of new boilers and a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. As existing residential receptors are located in close proximity to the proposed flue for the boiler and plant, an assessment of the impact of the new plant on local air quality was required, as was an air quality neutral assessment.
We used the dispersion modelling software ADMS Roads Extra to predict the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10) associated with the development at the closest residential receptors. This was then added to the existing background concentrations for the site, taken from the London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, to determine the actual concentrations experienced at the residential receptor locations. An air quality neutral assessment was also undertaken.
EPUK guidance was then used to provide criteria for magnitude of change and related significance of Quantified impacts as a result of the development.
The air quality assessment concluded that impact of the development would be negligible at all existing receptor locations. The development would also be air quality neutral. Building work on this prestigious multi-million pound project has now begun.
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