The famous Christie Hospital provides cancer care, research and education. In 2017, the Paterson building, which was used as a research centre by the University of Manchester and Cancer Research UK, was badly damaged in a fire. The multi-million pound redevelopment of the site began in 2018.
The Paterson Redevelopment Project was formed to develop and oversee plans for the new building, which aims to create a world-class cancer research facility of the highest architectural quality that will contribute to the ongoing physical transformation of the Christie Withington site. Miller Goodall was appointed to provide air quality services relating to the project.
We carried out a detailed assessment of the impact of road traffic associated with the new building and the new combustion sources such as heating plant and emergency generators.
Baseline data on air quality around the site was collected. We then completed computer modelling of the impact of the combustion plant and traffic flows associated with the site, specifically changes in airborne concentrations of particular pollutants. This was then used to determine the effect of the project on air quality in relation to relevant Air Quality Objectives.
When assessed in accordance with current guidance, we concluded that the impact emissions from combustion sources and new traffic flows around the site would have on local air quality would be negligible. The development was granted planning permission with no conditions relating to air quality.
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