

The development comprises the construction of a new and modernised manufacturing plant for Fisherman’s Friend.

Fisherman’s Friend was founded in 1865 and has remained a family run business since its founding, operating from Fleetwood all this time. The brand is a market leader in lozenge products and distributes to over 70 countries.  The company produces more than 5 billion lozenges each year.


Miller Goodall was appointed to assess the potential adverse effects associated with air quality, odour and acoustics that may arise from the construction and operation of the development.

Acoustic Investigation

A comprehensive BS4142 assessment of industrial noise was completed. A noise model was prepared, including embedded acoustic mitigation, which included manufacturing equipment, plant and vehicle movements. No significant effects were found. Recommendations for noise breakout between rooms of the manufacturing plant were provided, and these matters would be dealt in post-approval planning submissions.

Air Quality Investigation

An IAQM construction dust assessment was completed, and dust control mitigation was recommended.

A qualitative screening assessment of vehicular emissions was completed, concluding the levels of generation would have imperceptible changes to air quality.

Odour Investigation

Odour arising from the manufacturing plant processes was concluded as not significant.

An odour impact assessment was requested by United Utilities. The request required an assessment of odour arising from the Fleetwood wastewater treatment works. The purpose was two-fold; to ensure there is no impact to an encroaching business and that operations at the WWTW would not be restricted by the encroachment.

A series of olfactometry odour surveys and multi-tool assessment to IAQM guidance were completed. The findings indicated the commercial use would not be impacted by existing odour, nor would it cause operational restrictions to the existing WWTW.

Action and Outcome

The three assessments demonstrated that there would be no significant impact to surrounding sensitive receptors.

Embedded mitigation from the outset included limiting night-time deliveries, acoustic barriers, and layout placement (office furthest from pollution sources & manufacturing further from sensitive receptors.

For more information

Call: 01204 596166

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Additional case studies: Air Quality Menu | Acoustic Menu


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