Miller Goodall provides a wide range of services tailored to the needs of local authorities in the UK, including support with duties in relation to the local air quality management (LAQM) regime, advice and guidance in relation to complex planning applications and provision of expert witness services.

Several members of our team have worked within local authorities across the UK, so understand fully the LAQM requirements of local government. We can provide a complete service in relation to review and assessment including preparation of updating and screening assessments, detailed assessments, further assessments, progress reports and Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) plans and strategies. Professional expertise is supported by in-house modelling capabilities using ADMS.

Miller Goodall also has a wealth of experience in appraising the air quality and noise sections of planning applications and assisting the development of planning guidance. This has often been supplemented by the provision of expert witness evidence at Public Inquiries.

The Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 is a regime of controlling industries that emit significant levels of pollution to all environmental media (air, land and water). Under this new regime, local authorities are required to regulate smaller industries while the Environment Agency regulates the larger industries, known as Part A1 installations.

At Miller Goodall, we have been actively involved in the implementation and enforcement of the Pollution Prevention and Control regime since its inception, and have a wide range of experience in all sectors, including incineration, quarries, cremation, coating and metal and mineral processes. The team currently carries out the inspection and enforcement duties for two local authorities in the north west of England and performs ad hoc inspection and training work for others.

Our services allow local authorities to:

  • Meet inspection targets for the year
  • Input extra resources to unusual or challenging cases
  • Cover short term vacancies
  • Provide timely comments to the EA in relation to A1 installations
  • Demonstrate improved operator performance

Miller Goodall also provides support to process operators and can:

  • Prepare applications for A2 and Part B activities
  • Liaise with local authorities and the EA regarding compliance issues
  • Provide training and advice with respect to existing and new legislation

Key features

  • Support with duties in relation to the LAQM regime
  • Review and assessments
  • Updating and screening assessments
  • Detailed assessments
  • Further assessments
  • Progress reports
  • Air Quality Management Area plans and strategies
  • ADMS modelling
  • Assisting in the development of planning guidance
  • Expert witness provision

Did you know

Local authorities have a requirement to assess their air quality and develop Air Quality Action Plans (AQAP) where standards cannot be achieved.


Bringing Miller Goodall into your project as environmental consultants means you can be certain that you are meeting the required standards of environmental best practice. Talk to us: info@millergoodall.co.uk

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