German discount supermarket chain Lidl currently has over 700 shops in the UK, with plans to open 40 more in the next five years as part of a £500 million expansion plan. Miller Goodall has worked with developers on the noise assessments at several proposed sites, including Main Street in Bingley.
The site of the proposed new store covered 0.86 acres, land that was once home to the headquarters of Bradford and Bingley. The proposal was for a 2,115m2 Lidl store, with parking for 116 cars. A group of three-storey houses located close the southern boundary of the site had the potential to be impacted by noise from the proposed loading bay.
We took noise measurements close to the existing residential properties to determine the pre-development background noise level. Information for noise sources such as the loading bay, plant and equipment, and car parking were used to develop a noise model for the site.
Predictions from the noise modelling identified that noise from the loading bay was likely to have a significant impact on the closest residential properties and that noise mitigation was required to protect them.
The assessment, undertaken to the methodology required within BS:4142:2014, also identified the need for a servicing management plan to control noise from deliveries to the site. One of the most significant noise sources was from the refrigeration plant to the delivery vehicles, and this was required to be switched off between 21:00 and 23:00.
Noise modelling and mitigation techniques reduced the impact of loading activities and plant noise on the nearby homes, and planning permission was granted on St Valentine’s Day 2018, a good omen for the project’s success. The new store opened in May 2018.
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