

A planning application was submitted by Prescot Business Park to develop a brownfield site. The 20- hectare site was located close to the M57, the Liverpool to Manchester railway line and a large industrial site to the north, all of which were considered to be potentially significant sources of noise that might affect how the land could be developed.


Miller Goodall was appointed to undertake a strategic noise and vibration assessment. It was decided that constructing a noise model would be the most effective way of determining the extent and location of any possible residential use of the site.


We carried out noise and vibration surveys across the development area to quantify the contribution of the various sources affecting the site. These included daytime and night-time noise surveys at locations affected by noise from the M57 to the south and local roads to the north, passing trains on the railway line to the east, and an assessment of noise from electrical substations on the site that serves the surrounding area. Vibration surveys were also undertaken to determine the impact, if any, from passing trains.

A baseline noise model was set up using the CadnaA noise modelling package and calibrated using the ambient noise data collected around the site. This allowed noise levels to be determined for the various sections of the site earmarked for residential development. The model also enabled the effectiveness of proposed noise mitigation measures to be assessed. This information was subsequently fed back to the scheme designers and was incorporated into a revised plan.

Once the noise mitigation measures were in place, subsequent noise measurements were taken at the site that determined the effectiveness of the noise mitigation against the modelling results. These measurements showed close correlation with the predicted results.

Action and outcome

The resulting detailed noise and vibration assessment was submitted with the outline planning application for the redevelopment of the site. The planning application was approved and subsequent detailed reserved matters applications have also been undertaken for a number of plots on the site.

For more information

Call: 01204 596166

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