

Developers Worden Estates identified a long strip of land adjacent to the M6 as the location for a proposed housing estate. The land, just o Langdale Road, had previously been used for farming. Noise and air pollution from the M6 was clearly a limiting factor, and consequently Miller Goodall was brought in at the early design stage to carry out the noise assessment necessary if the site was to achieve acoustic criteria internally and externally.


The location of the proposed estate, very close to a continuous noise source in the form of a busy motorway, presented particular problems relating to noise and air pollution for future occupiers. Although this was a complex proposal, it was made simpler by us being brought into project early on, allowing us to offer advice and guidance from the beginning and enable the noise assessment outcomes to inform the design and subsequent redesign process.


We carried out a noise assessment across the site using short-term and long-term measurements. These showed that the site needed to be designed carefully to enable acoustic criteria to be achieved, especially in the private gardens adjoining each property.

Several recommendations were made to the client, including an extensive noise bund and fence barrier bordering the motorway to reduce noise impact. The bund and fencing would be located in such a way as to ensure the acoustic mitigation measures would not be highly visible or impact unduly on the character and appearance of the area. To achieve the internal acoustic criteria within the houses, we proposed the use of acoustic rated glazing and trickle ventilators together with uprated ceilings to top floors to help reduce noise ingress through the roof.

Action and outcome

Planning permission for the residential development, access road, 3m high earth bund and 2.5m high boundary fence bordering the M6 was recently granted, five years after initial investigations began.

For more information

Call: 01204 596166
Email: info@millergoodall.co.uk

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Additional case studies: Air Quality Menu | Acoustic Menu


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